Echelon Masonry Highlights Batson Associates' Use of Masonry at Presbyterian Village Athens


Batson Associates, Inc. was recently featured in a case study published by Echelon Masonry, a North American manufacturer of masonry products for architectural and masonry industries. The study highlights the use of Waterford Stone, an Echelon product, at Presbyterian Village Athens. Architect and lead project manager, Trevor Ream, used Waterford Stone to “create a desired collegiate look with a rustic edge” while still ensuring a residential aesthetic. Read the case study in its entirety here.

Batson Associates, the architect of record, designed Presbyterian Village Athens with an emphasis on connectivity and an appreciation for Presbyterian Homes of Georgia’s mission – to provide exceptional services to enhance the quality of life for senior adults. The Village Center, 100-room Health Services Pavilion, and 100 independent living apartments were strategically planned to promote connection and engagement between residents.


Batson Associates is a team of architects, facility planners, and interior designers committed to transcending the ordinary through a relentless commitment to intentional communication, innovative design, and steadfast integrity.


Stephen Palacino